Working With Containers

Recursive Conversions

fannypack.utils.to_device(x: torch.Tensor, device: torch.device, detach: bool = False) torch.Tensor
fannypack.utils.to_device(x: fannypack.utils._conversions.BoundContainer, device: torch.device, detach: bool = False) fannypack.utils._conversions.BoundContainer

Move a torch tensor, list, tuple (standard or named), or dict of tensors to a different device. Recursively applied for nested containers.

  • x (torch.Tensor, list, tuple (standard or named), or dict) – Tensor or container of tensors to move.

  • device (torch.device) – Target device.

  • detach (bool, optional) – If set, detaches tensors after moving. Defaults to False.


torch.Tensor, list, tuple (standard or named), or dict – Output, type will mirror input.

fannypack.utils.to_numpy(x: torch.Tensor) numpy.ndarray
fannypack.utils.to_numpy(x: List[torch.Tensor]) List[numpy.ndarray]
fannypack.utils.to_numpy(x: List) List
fannypack.utils.to_numpy(x: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]) Tuple[numpy.ndarray, ...]
fannypack.utils.to_numpy(x: Tuple) Tuple
fannypack.utils.to_numpy(x: Dict[fannypack.utils._conversions.Key, torch.Tensor]) Dict[fannypack.utils._conversions.Key, numpy.ndarray]
fannypack.utils.to_numpy(x: Dict[fannypack.utils._conversions.Key, Any]) Dict[fannypack.utils._conversions.Key, Any]

Converts a tensor, list, tuple (standard or named), or dict of tensors for use in Numpy. Recursively applied for nested containers.


x (torch.Tensor, list, tuple (standard or named), or dict) – Tensor or container of tensors to convert to NumPy.


np.ndarray, list, tuple (standard or named), or dict – Output, type will mirror input.

fannypack.utils.to_torch(x: numpy.ndarray, device: str = 'cpu', convert_doubles_to_floats: bool = True) torch.Tensor
fannypack.utils.to_torch(x: List[numpy.ndarray], device: str = 'cpu', convert_doubles_to_floats: bool = True) List[torch.Tensor]
fannypack.utils.to_torch(x: List, device: str = 'cpu', convert_doubles_to_floats: bool = True) List
fannypack.utils.to_torch(x: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, ...], device: str = 'cpu', convert_doubles_to_floats: bool = True) Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...]
fannypack.utils.to_torch(x: Tuple, device: str = 'cpu', convert_doubles_to_floats: bool = True) Tuple
fannypack.utils.to_torch(x: Dict[fannypack.utils._conversions.Key, numpy.ndarray], device: str = 'cpu', convert_doubles_to_floats: bool = True) Dict[fannypack.utils._conversions.Key, torch.Tensor]
fannypack.utils.to_torch(x: Dict[fannypack.utils._conversions.Key, Any], device: str = 'cpu', convert_doubles_to_floats: bool = True) Dict[fannypack.utils._conversions.Key, Any]

Converts a NumPy array, list, tuple (standard or named), or dict of NumPy arrays for use in PyTorch. Recursively applied for nested containers.

  • x (np.ndarray, list, tuple (standard or named), or dict) – Array or container of arrays to convert to torch tensors.

  • device (torch.device, optional) – Torch device to create tensors on. Defaults to "cpu".

  • convert_doubles_to_floats (bool, optional) – If set, converts 64-bit floats to 32-bit. Defaults to True.


torch.Tensor, list, tuple (standard or named), or dict – Output, type will mirror input.

Grouped Slicing

class fannypack.utils.SliceWrapper(data: fannypack.utils._slice_wrapper.WrappedType)

Bases: Iterable, Generic[fannypack.utils._slice_wrapper.WrappedType]

A wrapper class for creating a unified interface for slicing and manipulating:

  • Lists

  • Tuples

  • Torch tensors

  • Numpy arrays

  • Dictionaries containing a same-length group of any of the above

This makes it easy to read, slice, and index into blocks of data organized into dictionaries.


dataset = SliceWrapper({
    "features": features,
    "labels": labels,

train_count = 100
train_dataset = dataset[:train_count]
val_dataset = dataset[train_count:]

would be equivalent to:

train_count = 100
train_dataset = {
    "features": features[:train_count],
    "labels": b[:train_count],
val_dataset = {
    "features": features[train_count:],
    "labels": b[train_count:],

For convenience, a transparent interface is provided for iterables that are directly wrapped. Thus:

SliceWrapper([1, 2, 3])[::-1]

would return:

[1, 2, 3][::-1]
__getitem__(index: Any) Any

Unified interface for indexing into our wrapped object; shorthand for v: v[index]).

For wrapped dictionaries, this returns a new (un-wrapped) dictionary with the index applied value-wise. Thus:

    "a": a,
    "b": b,

would return:

    "a": a[index],
    "b": b[index],

For iterables that are directly wrapped, this is equivalent to evaluating data[index]. Thus..

SliceWrapper([1, 2, 3])[::-1]

would return:

[1, 2, 3][::-1]

index (Any) – Index. Can be a slice, tuple, boolean array, etc.


Any – Indexed value. See overall function docstring.


Iterable iter() interface.

__len__() int

Unified interface for evaluating the length of a wrapped object.

Equivalent to SliceWrapper.shape[0].


int – Length of wrapped object.


Iterable next() interface.

append(other: Any) None

Append to the end of our data object.

Only supported for wrapped lists and dictionaries containing lists.

For wrapped lists, this is equivalent to data.append(other).

For dictionaries, other should be a dictionary. Behavior example:

# Data before append
{"a": [1, 2, 3, 4], "b": [5, 6, 7, 8]}

# Value of other
{"a": 5, "b": 3}

# Data after append
{"a": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "b": [5, 6, 7, 8, 3]}

other (Any) – Object to append.

data: fannypack.utils._slice_wrapper.WrappedType

Wrapped data.


list, tuple, torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, or dict

extend(other: fannypack.utils._slice_wrapper.WrappedType) None

Extend to the end of our data object.

Only supported for wrapped lists and dictionaries containing lists.

For wrapped lists, this is equivalent to data.extend(other).

For dictionaries, other should be a dictionary. Behavior example:

# Data before extend
{"a": [1, 2, 3, 4], "b": [5, 6, 7, 8]}

# Value of other
{"a": [5], "b": [3]}

# Data after extend
{"a": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "b": [5, 6, 7, 8, 3]}

other (dict or list) – Object to append.

map(function: Callable[[Any], fannypack.utils._slice_wrapper.MapOutputType]) Dict[Any, fannypack.utils._slice_wrapper.MapOutputType]
map(function: Callable[[Any], fannypack.utils._slice_wrapper.MapOutputType]) fannypack.utils._slice_wrapper.MapOutputType
map(function: Callable[[Any], fannypack.utils._slice_wrapper.MapOutputType]) Union[fannypack.utils._slice_wrapper.MapOutputType, Dict[Any, fannypack.utils._slice_wrapper.MapOutputType]]

Apply a function to all iterables within our wrapped data object.

For iterables that are directly wrapped (eg lists), this is equivalent to evaluating:

slice_wrapper: SliceWrapper[List]

For dictionaries, function is applied value-wise. Thus, an input of:

    "a": [1, 2, 3],
    "b": [2, 4, 5],

would return:

    "a": function([1, 2, 3]),
    "b": function([2, 4, 5]),

function (Callable) – Function to map.

property shape: Tuple[int, ...]

Unified interface for polling the shape of our wrapped object.

For lists and tuples, this evaluates to (len(data),).

For Numpy arrays and torch tensors, we get data.shape.

For dictionaries, we return a tuple containing all shared dimensions between our wrapped values, starting from the leftmost dimension.



Tuple[int, …]

Generic Squeeze

fannypack.utils.squeeze(x: Any, axis: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]] = None) Any

Generic squeeze function, for all sliceable objects with a shape field.

Designed for fannypack.utils.SliceWrapper, but should also work with NumPy arrays, torch Tensors, etc.

  • x (Any) – Object to squeeze. Must have a shape attribute and be indexable with slices.

  • axis (Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]], optional) – Axis or axes to squeeze along. If None (default), squeezes all dimensions with value 1.


Any – Squeeze object.