Source code for

import dataclasses
import math
from typing import Generic, Optional, Sequence, TypeVar

import jax
import numpy as onp

from ._protocols import DataLoaderProtocol

PyTreeType = TypeVar("PyTreeType")

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class InMemoryDataLoader(Generic[PyTreeType], DataLoaderProtocol[PyTreeType]): """Simple data loader for in-memory datasets, stored as arrays within a PyTree structure. The first axis of every array should correspond to the total sample count; each sample will therefore be indexable via `jax.tree_map(lambda x: x[i, ...], dataset)`. :meth:`minibatches()` can then be used to construct an (optionally shuffled) sequence of minibatches.""" dataset: PyTreeType minibatch_size: int drop_last: bool = True """Drop last minibatch if dataset is not evenly divisible. It's usually nice to have minibatches that are the same size: it decreases the amount of time (and memory) spent on JIT compilation in JAX and reduces concern of noisy gradients from very small batch sizes.""" sample_count: int = dataclasses.field(init=False)
[docs] def __post_init__(self): shapes = [x.shape for x in jax.tree_leaves(self.dataset)] assert len(shapes) > 0, "Dataset should contain at least one array." sample_counts = [shape[0] for shape in shapes] assert all( count == sample_counts[0] for count in sample_counts ), "All sample counts should be equal." object.__setattr__(self, "sample_count", sample_counts[0])
[docs] def minibatch_count(self) -> int: """Compute the number of minibatches per epoch.""" minibatch_count = self.sample_count / self.minibatch_size if self.drop_last: minibatch_count = math.floor(minibatch_count) else: minibatch_count = math.ceil(minibatch_count) return minibatch_count
# Note that a Sequence is a SizedIterable with support for index-based access.
[docs] def minibatches(self, shuffle_seed: Optional[int]) -> Sequence[PyTreeType]: """Returns an iterable over minibatches for our dataset. Optionally shuffled using a random seed.""" indices = onp.arange(self.sample_count) if shuffle_seed is not None: onp.random.default_rng(seed=shuffle_seed).shuffle(indices) return _Minibatches( dataset=self.dataset, indices=indices, minibatch_size=self.minibatch_size, minibatch_count=self.minibatch_count(), )
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class _Minibatches(Sequence[PyTreeType], Generic[PyTreeType]): """Iterable object for returning minibatches.""" dataset: PyTreeType indices: onp.ndarray # Shape: (dataset length,) minibatch_size: int minibatch_count: int def __getitem__(self, i): if i >= self.minibatch_count or i < -self.minibatch_count: raise IndexError() i %= self.minibatch_count # For negative indexing. start_index = self.minibatch_size * i end_index = min(self.minibatch_size * (i + 1), self.indices.shape[0]) minibatch_indices = self.indices[start_index:end_index] return jax.tree_map(lambda x: x[minibatch_indices, ...], self.dataset) def __len__(self): return self.minibatch_count def _check() -> None: pytree = [onp.zeros((32, 64, 64))] dataloader = InMemoryDataLoader(dataset=pytree, minibatch_size=4) assert dataloader.minibatch_count() == 8 for x in dataloader.minibatches(None): assert x[0].shape == (4, 64, 64), x[0].shape if __name__ == "__main__": _check()