.. Comment: this file is automatically generated by `update_example_docs.py`. It should not be modified manually. .. _example-category-custom_constructors: Custom constructors =================== :func:`tyro.cli` aims for comprehensive support of standard Python type constructs. It can still, however, be useful to extend the set of suported types. We provide two complementary approaches for doing so: - :mod:`tyro.conf` provides a simple API for specifying custom constructor functions. - :mod:`tyro.constructors` provides a more flexible API for defining behavior for different types. There are two categories of types: *primitive* types are instantiated from a single commandline argument, while *struct* types are broken down into multiple arguments. .. warning:: Custom constructors are useful, but can be verbose and require care. We recommend using them sparingly. .. _example-01_simple_constructors: Simple Constructors ------------------- For simple custom constructors, we can pass a constructor function into :func:`tyro.conf.arg` or :func:`tyro.conf.subcommand`. Arguments for will be generated by parsing the signature of the constructor function. In this example, we use this pattern to define custom behavior for instantiating a NumPy array. .. code-block:: python :linenos: # 01_simple_constructors.py from typing import Literal import numpy as np from typing_extensions import Annotated import tyro def construct_array( values: tuple[float, ...], dtype: Literal["float32", "float64"] = "float64" ) -> np.ndarray: """A custom constructor for 1D NumPy arrays.""" return np.array( values, dtype={"float32": np.float32, "float64": np.float64}[dtype], ) def main( # We can specify a custom constructor for an argument in `tyro.conf.arg()`. array: Annotated[np.ndarray, tyro.conf.arg(constructor=construct_array)], ) -> None: print(f"{array=}") if __name__ == "__main__": tyro.cli(main) .. raw:: html
    $ python ./01_simple_constructors.py --help
    usage: 01_simple_constructors.py [-h] --array.values [FLOAT
                                     [FLOAT ...]] [--array.dtype 
    ╭─ options ─────────────────────────────────────────╮
     -h, --help        show this help message and exit 
    ╭─ array options ───────────────────────────────────╮
     A custom constructor for 1D NumPy arrays.         
     --array.values [FLOAT [FLOAT ...]]                
     --array.dtype {float32,float64}                   
                       (default: float64)              
.. raw:: html
    $ python ./01_simple_constructors.py --array.values 1 2 3
    array=array([1., 2., 3.])
.. raw:: html
    $ python ./01_simple_constructors.py --array.values 1 2 3 4 5 --array.dtype float32
    array=array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.], dtype=float32)
.. _example-02_primitive_annotation: Custom Primitive ---------------- In this example, we use :mod:`tyro.constructors` to attach a primitive constructor via a runtime annotation. .. code-block:: python :linenos: # 02_primitive_annotation.py import json from typing_extensions import Annotated import tyro # A dictionary type, but `tyro` will expect a JSON string from the CLI. JsonDict = Annotated[ dict, tyro.constructors.PrimitiveConstructorSpec( # Number of arguments to consume. nargs=1, # Argument name in usage messages. metavar="JSON", # Convert a list of strings to an instance. The length of the list # should match `nargs`. instance_from_str=lambda args: json.loads(args[0]), # Check if an instance is of the expected type. This is only used for # helptext formatting in the presence of union types. is_instance=lambda instance: isinstance(instance, dict), # Convert an instance to a list of strings. This is used for handling # default values that are set in Python. The length of the list should # match `nargs`. str_from_instance=lambda instance: [json.dumps(instance)], ), ] def main( dict1: JsonDict, dict2: JsonDict = {"default": None}, ) -> None: print(f"{dict1=}") print(f"{dict2=}") if __name__ == "__main__": tyro.cli(main) .. raw:: html
    $ python ./02_primitive_annotation.py --help
    usage: 02_primitive_annotation.py [-h] --dict1 JSON [--dict2 JSON]
    ╭─ options ───────────────────────────────────────────╮
     -h, --help          show this help message and exit 
     --dict1 JSON        (required)                      
     --dict2 JSON        (default: '{"default": null}')  
.. raw:: html
    $ python ./02_primitive_annotation.py --dict1 '{"hello": "world"}'
    dict1={'hello': 'world'}
    dict2={'default': None}
.. raw:: html
    $ python ./02_primitive_annotation.py --dict1 '{"hello": "world"}' --dict2 '{"hello": "world"}'
    dict1={'hello': 'world'}
    dict2={'hello': 'world'}
.. _example-03_primitive_registry: Custom Primitive (Registry) --------------------------- In this example, we use a :class:`tyro.constructors.ConstructorRegistry` to define a rule that applies to all types that match ``dict[str, Any]``. .. code-block:: python :linenos: # 03_primitive_registry.py import json from typing import Any import tyro # Create a custom registry, which stores constructor rules. custom_registry = tyro.constructors.ConstructorRegistry() # Define a rule that applies to all types that match `dict[str, Any]`. @custom_registry.primitive_rule def _( type_info: tyro.constructors.PrimitiveTypeInfo, ) -> tyro.constructors.PrimitiveConstructorSpec | None: # We return `None` if the rule does not apply. if type_info.type != dict[str, Any]: return None # If the rule applies, we return the constructor spec. return tyro.constructors.PrimitiveConstructorSpec( nargs=1, metavar="JSON", instance_from_str=lambda args: json.loads(args[0]), is_instance=lambda instance: isinstance(instance, dict), str_from_instance=lambda instance: [json.dumps(instance)], ) def main( dict1: dict[str, Any], dict2: dict[str, Any] = {"default": None}, ) -> None: """A function with two arguments, which can be populated from the CLI via JSON.""" print(f"{dict1=}") print(f"{dict2=}") if __name__ == "__main__": # To activate a custom registry, we should use it as a context manager. with custom_registry: tyro.cli(main) .. raw:: html
    $ python ./03_primitive_registry.py --help
    usage: 03_primitive_registry.py [-h] --dict1 JSON [--dict2 JSON]
    A function with two arguments, which can be populated from the CLI via JSON.
    ╭─ options ───────────────────────────────────────────╮
     -h, --help          show this help message and exit 
     --dict1 JSON        (required)                      
     --dict2 JSON        (default: '{"default": null}')  
.. raw:: html
    $ python ./03_primitive_registry.py --dict1 '{"hello": "world"}'
    dict1={'hello': 'world'}
    dict2={'default': None}
.. raw:: html
    $ python ./03_primitive_registry.py --dict1 '{"hello": "world"}' --dict2 '{"hello": "world"}'
    dict1={'hello': 'world'}
    dict2={'hello': 'world'}
.. _example-04_struct_registry: Custom Structs (Registry) ------------------------- In this example, we use a :class:`tyro.constructors.ConstructorRegistry` to add support for a custom type. .. warning:: This will be complicated! .. code-block:: python :linenos: # 04_struct_registry.py import tyro # A custom type that we'll add support for to tyro. class Bounds: def __init__(self, lower: int, upper: int): self.bounds = (lower, upper) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"(lower={self.bounds[0]}, upper={self.bounds[1]})" # Create a custom registry, which stores constructor rules. custom_registry = tyro.constructors.ConstructorRegistry() # Define a rule that applies to all types that match `Bounds`. @custom_registry.struct_rule def _( type_info: tyro.constructors.StructTypeInfo, ) -> tyro.constructors.StructConstructorSpec | None: # We return `None` if the rule does not apply. if type_info.type != Bounds: return None # We can extract the default value of the field from `type_info`. if isinstance(type_info.default, Bounds): # If the default value is a `Bounds` instance, we don't need to generate a constructor. default = (type_info.default.bounds[0], type_info.default.bounds[1]) is_default_overridden = True else: # Otherwise, the default value is missing. We'll mark the child defaults as missing as well. assert type_info.default in ( tyro.constructors.MISSING, tyro.constructors.MISSING_NONPROP, ) default = (tyro.MISSING, tyro.MISSING) is_default_overridden = False # If the rule applies, we return the constructor spec. return tyro.constructors.StructConstructorSpec( # The instantiate function will be called with the fields as keyword arguments. instantiate=Bounds, fields=( tyro.constructors.StructFieldSpec( name="lower", type=int, default=default[0], is_default_overridden=is_default_overridden, helptext="Lower bound." "", ), tyro.constructors.StructFieldSpec( name="upper", type=int, default=default[1], is_default_overridden=is_default_overridden, helptext="Upper bound." "", ), ), ) def main( bounds: Bounds, bounds_with_default: Bounds = Bounds(0, 100), ) -> None: """A function with two `Bounds` instances as input.""" print(f"{bounds=}") print(f"{bounds_with_default=}") if __name__ == "__main__": # To activate a custom registry, we should use it as a context manager. with custom_registry: tyro.cli(main) .. raw:: html
    $ python ./04_struct_registry.py --help
    usage: 04_struct_registry.py [-h] [OPTIONS]
    A function with two `Bounds` instances as input.
    ╭─ options ───────────────────────────────────────────────╮
     -h, --help              show this help message and exit 
    ╭─ bounds options ────────────────────────────────────────╮
     --bounds.lower INT      Lower bound. (required)         
     --bounds.upper INT      Upper bound. (required)         
    ╭─ bounds-with-default options ───────────────────────────╮
     --bounds-with-default.lower INT                         
                             Lower bound. (default: 0)       
     --bounds-with-default.upper INT                         
                             Upper bound. (default: 100)     
.. raw:: html
    $ python ./04_struct_registry.py --bounds.lower 5 --bounds.upper 10
    bounds=(lower=5, upper=10)
    bounds_with_default=(lower=0, upper=100)