
The tyro.conf submodule contains helpers for attaching parsing-specific configuration metadata to types via PEP 593 runtime annotations.

Configuration flags are applied recursively, and should generally be subscripted: Fixed[T], Suppress[T], etc.

Features here are supported, but generally unnecessary and should be used sparingly.

Package Contents#

tyro.conf.arg(*, name: str | None = None, metavar: str | None = None, help: str | None = None, aliases: Sequence[str] | None = None, prefix_name: bool | None = None, constructor: None = None, constructor_factory: Callable[[], Type | Callable] | None = None) Any[source]#
tyro.conf.arg(*, name: str | None = None, metavar: str | None = None, help: str | None = None, aliases: Sequence[str] | None = None, prefix_name: bool | None = None, constructor: Type | Callable | None = None, constructor_factory: None = None) Any

Returns a metadata object for fine-grained argument configuration with typing.Annotated. Should typically not be required.

x: Annotated[int, tyro.conf.arg(...)]
  • name – A new name for the argument in the CLI.

  • metavar – Argument name in usage messages. The type is used by default.

  • help – Helptext for this argument. The docstring is used by default.

  • aliases – Aliases for this argument. All strings in the sequence should start with a hyphen (-). Aliases will not currently be prefixed in a nested structure, and are not supported for positional arguments.

  • prefix_name – Whether or not to prefix the name of the argument based on where it is in a nested structure. Arguments are prefixed by default.

  • constructor – A constructor type or function. This should either be (a) a subtype of an argument’s annotated type, or (b) a function with type-annotated inputs that returns an instance of the annotated type. This will be used in place of the argument’s type for parsing arguments. No validation is done.

  • constructor_factory – A function that returns a constructor type or function. Useful when the constructor isn’t immediately available.


Object to attach via typing.Annotated[].

tyro.conf.subcommand(name: str | None = None, *, default: Any = MISSING_NONPROP, description: str | None = None, prefix_name: bool = True, constructor: None = None, constructor_factory: Callable[[], Type | Callable] | None = None) Any[source]#
tyro.conf.subcommand(name: str | None = None, *, default: Any = MISSING_NONPROP, description: str | None = None, prefix_name: bool = True, constructor: Type | Callable | None = None, constructor_factory: None = None) Any

Returns a metadata object for configuring subcommands with typing.Annotated. Useful for aesthetics.

Consider the standard approach for creating subcommands:

    Union[NestedTypeA, NestedTypeB]

This will create two subcommands: nested-type-a and nested-type-b.

Annotating each type with tyro.conf.subcommand() allows us to override for each subcommand the (a) name, (b) defaults, (c) helptext, and (d) whether to prefix the name or not.

            NestedTypeA, subcommand("a", ...)
            NestedTypeB, subcommand("b", ...)
  • name – The name of the subcommand in the CLI.

  • default – A default value for the subcommand, for struct-like types. (eg dataclasses)

  • description – Description of this option to use in the helptext. Defaults to docstring.

  • prefix_name – Whether to prefix the name of the subcommand based on where it is in a nested structure.

  • constructor – A constructor type or function. This should either be (a) a subtype of an argument’s annotated type, or (b) a function with type-annotated inputs that returns an instance of the annotated type. This will be used in place of the argument’s type for parsing arguments. No validation is done.

  • constructor_factory – A function that returns a constructor type or function. Useful when the constructor isn’t immediately available.


Avoid creating subcommands when a default is provided for unions over nested types. This simplifies CLI interfaces, but makes them less expressive.

Can be used directly on union types, AvoidSubcommands[Union[...]], or recursively applied to nested types.


Consolidate arguments applied to subcommands. Makes CLI less sensitive to argument ordering, at the cost of support for optional subcommands.

By default, tyro will generate a traditional CLI interface where args are applied to the directly preceding subcommand. When we have two subcommands s1 and s2:

python x.py {--root options} s1 {--s1 options} s2 {--s2 options}

This can be frustrating because the resulting CLI is sensitive to the positioning of options.

To consolidate subcommands, we push arguments to the end, after all subcommands:

python x.py s1 s2 {--root, s1, and s2 options}

This is more robust to reordering of options, ensuring that any new options can simply be placed at the end of the command.


A type T can be annotated as Fixed[T] to prevent tyro.cli from parsing it; a default value should be set instead. Fields that can’t be parsed with defaults will also be marked as fixed automatically.


Turn off flag conversion for booleans with default values. Instead, types annotated with bool will expect an explicit True or False.

Can be used directly on boolean annotations, FlagConversionOff[bool], or recursively applied to nested types.


Make flags used for keyword arguments shorter by omitting prefixes.

If we have a structure with the field:

cmd: NestedType

By default, --cmd.arg may be generated as a flag. If prefixes are omitted, we would instead simply have --arg.


Make CLI inputs used for subcommands shorter by omitting the subcommand-specific portion of the prefix.

If we have a structure with the field:

cmd: Union[NestedTypeA, NestedTypeB]

By default, --cmd.arg may be generated as a flag for each dataclass in the union. If subcommand prefixes are omitted, we would instead have --arg.

By default, cmd:nested-type-a and cmd:nested-type-b may be generated as subcommand. If subcommand prefixes are omitted, we would instead have nested-type-a and nested-type-b.


A type T can be annotated as Positional[T] if we want to parse it as a positional argument.


Make all arguments without defaults positional.


A type T can be annotated as Suppress[T] to prevent tyro.cli from parsing it, and to prevent it from showing up in helptext.


Hide fields that are either manually or automatically marked as fixed.


Use “append” actions for variable-length arguments.

Given an annotation like x: list[int], this means that x = [0, 1, 2] can be set via the CLI syntax --x 0 --x 1 --x 2 instead of the default of --x 0 1 2.

The resulting syntax may be more user-friendly; for tyro, it also enables support for otherwise ambiguous annotations like list[list[int]].

Can be applied to all variable-length sequences (list[T], Sequence[T], tuple[T, ...], etc), including dictionaries without default values.


verbose: UseCounterAction[int].


Use “counter” actions for integer arguments. Example usage

tyro.conf.configure(*markers: Marker) Callable[[CallableType], CallableType][source]#

Decorator for applying configuration options.

Configuration markers are implemented via typing.Annotated and straightforward to apply to types, for example:

field: tyro.conf.FlagConversionOff[bool]

This decorator makes markers applicable to general functions as well:

# Recursively apply FlagConversionOff to all fields in `main()`.
def main(field: bool) -> None:

markers (Marker) – Options to apply.

Return type:

Callable[[CallableType], CallableType]