Source code for jaxlie.manifold._tree_utils

from typing import Any, Callable, List, TypeVar

import jax
import numpy as onp
from jax._src.tree_util import _registry  # Dangerous!

from .._base import MatrixLieGroup

# Tangent structures are difficult to annotate, so we just mark everything via Any.
# An annotation that would work in most cases is:
#     def zero_tangents(structure: T) -> T
# But this is leaky; note that an input of List[SE3] should output List[jax.Array],
# Dict[str, SE3] should output Dict[str, SE3], etc.
# Another tempting option is to define a wrapper class:
#     @jdc.pytree_dataclass
#     class TangentPytree(Generic[PytreeType]):
#         wrapped: Any
# And have zero_tangents() return:
#     def zero_tangents(structure: T) -> TangentPytree[T]
# which we could also use to make `jaxlie.manifold.rplus()` type safe by adding
# overloads to make sure that the delta input is a TangentPytree, but it would be hard
# to accurately annotate the `grad()` and `value_and_grad()` functions with this wrapper
# type without sacrificing the ability to use them as drop-in replacements for
# `jax.grad()` and `jax.value_and_grad()`.
# Finally, NewType is also attractive:
#     TangentPytree: TypeAlias = NewType("TangentPytree", object)
# This seems reasonable, but doesn't play nice with how optax currently (a) annotates
# everything using chex.ArrayTree and (b) doesn't use any generics, leading to a mess of
# casts and `type: ignore` directives. We might consider using this if optax's gradient
# transform annotations change.
TangentPytree = Any

def _map_group_trees(
    f_lie_groups: Callable,
    f_other_arrays: Callable,
) -> Any:
    if isinstance(tree_args[0], MatrixLieGroup):
        return f_lie_groups(*tree_args)
    elif isinstance(tree_args[0], (jax.Array, onp.ndarray)):
        return f_other_arrays(*tree_args)
        # Handle PyTrees recursively.
        assert len(set(map(type, tree_args))) == 1
        registry_entry = _registry[type(tree_args[0])]  # type: ignore

        children: List[List[Any]] = []
        metadata: List[Any] = []
        for tree in tree_args:
            childs, meta = registry_entry.to_iter(tree)

        assert len(set(metadata)) == 1

        return registry_entry.from_iter(
                    *list(children[i][j] for i in range(len(children))),
                for j in range(len(children[0]))

PytreeType = TypeVar("PytreeType")

[docs] def normalize_all(pytree: PytreeType) -> PytreeType: """Call `.normalize()` on each Lie group instance in a pytree. Results in a naive projection of each group instance to its respective manifold. """ def _project(t: MatrixLieGroup) -> MatrixLieGroup: return t.normalize() return _map_group_trees( _project, lambda x: x, pytree, )