Source code for jaxlie.utils._utils

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Type, TypeVar

import jax
from jax import numpy as jnp

    from .._base import MatrixLieGroup

T = TypeVar("T", bound="MatrixLieGroup")

[docs] def get_epsilon(dtype: jnp.dtype) -> float: """Helper for grabbing type-specific precision constants. Args: dtype: Datatype. Returns: Output float. """ return { jnp.dtype("float32"): 1e-5, jnp.dtype("float64"): 1e-10, }[dtype]
[docs] def register_lie_group( *, matrix_dim: int, parameters_dim: int, tangent_dim: int, space_dim: int, ) -> Callable[[Type[T]], Type[T]]: """Decorator for registering Lie group dataclasses. Sets dimensionality class variables, and marks all methods for JIT compilation. """ def _wrap(cls: Type[T]) -> Type[T]: # Register dimensions as class attributes. cls.matrix_dim = matrix_dim cls.parameters_dim = parameters_dim cls.tangent_dim = tangent_dim cls.space_dim = space_dim # JIT all methods. for f in filter( lambda f: not f.startswith("_") and callable(getattr(cls, f)) and f != "get_batch_axes", # Avoid returning tracers. dir(cls), ): setattr(cls, f, jax.jit(getattr(cls, f))) return cls return _wrap